I went to my mail box only to find a plethora of assorted campaign slander mixed in together with those wonderful bills I have to pay. Now it's bad enough I gotta swim through bills and the occasional bed bath & beyond coupon I'm probably never going to use but then to have to deal with all the slanderous campaign trash that nobody's going to look at it? That really made me think, "O RLY?" You couldn't have done an eMail blast, maybe SEO'd your political agenda? The TV ads that are running every frickin' 5 seconds wasn't enough for you that you had to resort to adding more to our already overpopulated landfills?
Seriously, the 80's called and they want their polluting practices back so they can go snort a couple lines of coke and throw all of your hard earned cash into waffles... sweet tasty waffles.
Now I'm not some super crazy, tree hugging, Julia Butterfly, you'll have to cut through me before you cut down this tree, kinda guy. I've been known to be somewhat wasteful from time to time like keeping my computer on a little longer than usual or leaving my A/C on too long. Maybe even using papertowels because I was too lazy to have to wash a towel instead after doing the dishes. Fine... but at least that papertowel's still doing something useful. Most of those "Political Attack Flyers" are simply going unread & into a trash can or worse into the streets!
One can only hope the majority of the people out there will have the decency to dispose of the flyers by recycling so that those trees might not have died in vain. It wouldn't surprise me if many of them didn't though. Furthermore, why should they even have to deal with that bullshit to begin with. Down with candidates approving of these types of guerilla campaign tactices. You can still bust guerilla tactics without actually have to fuck with trees....Just sayin'.
No party is immune to this monstrous display of utter wasteful consumption either. This goes for the left, right, side to side.... and to you all I give a giant....FUCK OFF!!! That is all!
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